Example documentation

One of the great things about defopt is that the same docstrings it uses to parse arguments are consumed by other tools in the Python ecosystem.

This is the documentation generated by Sphinx for the examples. You can click the “Show Source” button to see the raw RST document that generated this page.


Example showing annotations in defopt.

Type hints specified in function annotations may be used instead of writing types in docstrings.

Iterable[x], Sequence[x] and List[x] are all treated in the same way as list[x] in the docstring itself. (See the lists example for more information.)

Code usage:

>>> documented([1.2, 3.4], 2)

Command line usage:

$ python annotations.py documented 2 --numbers 1.2 3.4
$ python annotations.py documented --numbers 1.2 3.4 -- 2
examples.annotations.documented(numbers, exponent)

Example function using annotations.

  • numbers (Iterable[float]) – Numbers to multiply

  • exponent (int) – Power to raise each element to

examples.annotations.undocumented(numbers, exponent)

Boolean flags

Example showing boolean flags in defopt.

Optional boolean parameters are automatically converted to --name and --no-name flags which take no arguments and store True and False respectively.

Code usage:

>>> main('hello!', upper=False, repeat=True)

Command line usage:

$ python booleans.py 'hello!' --no-upper --repeat
examples.booleans.main(message, *, upper=True, repeat=False)

Example function with boolean flags.

  • message (str) – Message to display

  • upper (bool) – Display the message in upper case

  • repeat (bool) – Display the message twice


Example showing choices in defopt.

If a parameter’s type is a subclass of enum.Enum or a typing.Literal (or its backport typing_extensions.Literal), defopt automatically turns this into a set of string choices on the command line.

Code usage:

>>> choose_enum(Choice.one, opt=Choice.two)

Command line usage:

$ python choices.py one --opt two
class examples.choices.Choice(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

one = 1
two = 2.0
three = '03'
examples.choices.choose_enum(arg, *, opt=None)

Example function with enum.Enum arguments.

  • arg (Choice) – Choice to display

  • opt (Choice) – Optional choice to display

examples.choices.choose_literal(arg, *, opt=None)

Example function with typing.Literal arguments.

  • arg (Literal['foo', 'bar']) – Choice to display

  • opt (Literal['baz', 'quu']) – Optional choice to display


Example showing exception handling.

If the function raises an exception listed in the docstring using :raises:, the traceback is suppressed (the error is still reported, of course!).


arg (int) – Don’t set this to zero!


ValueError – If arg is zero.


Example showing lists in defopt.

Lists are automatically converted to required flags which accept zero or more arguments.

Code usage:

>>> main([1.2, 3.4], 2)

Command line usage:

$ python lists.py 2 --numbers 1.2 3.4
$ python lists.py --numbers 1.2 3.4 -- 2
examples.lists.main(numbers, multiplier)

Example function with a list argument.

  • numbers (list[float]) – Numbers to multiply

  • multiplier (float) – Amount to multiply by


Example showing parsers in defopt.

If a type is not simple enough for defopt to parse on its own, you can explicitly specify parsers for types by passing a mapping to defopt.run.

Code usage:

>>> main(datetime(2015, 9, 13))

Command line usage:

$ python parsers.py 2015-09-13

Example function with a datetime.datetime argument.


date (datetime) – Date to display


Parse a datetime.datetime using a simple string format.


string (str) – String to parse

Return type:


Short flags

Example showing short flags in defopt.

You can add alternative short flags to arguments by passing a dictionary to defopt.run which maps flag names to single letters.

Code usage:

>>> main(count=2)

Command line usage:

$ python short.py -C 2
$ python short.py --count 2
examples.short.main(*, count=1)

Example function which prints a message.


count (int) – Number of times to print the message

Variable positional arguments

Example showing *args handling in defopt.

Variable positional arguments can be specified any number of times and are received as a tuple.

Flags generated by list types (or equivalents) create a new list each time they are used.

Code usage:

>>> plain(1, 2, 3)
>>> iterable([1, 2], [3, 4, 5])

Command line usage:

$ python starargs.py plain 1 2 3
$ python starargs.py iterable --groups 1 2 --groups 3 4 5

Example function which accepts multiple positional arguments.

The arguments are plain integers.


numbers (int) – Numbers to display


Example function which accepts multiple positional arguments.

The arguments are lists of integers.


groups (list[int]) – Lists of numbers to display

Docstring styles

Example showing supported docstring styles in defopt.

You need to enable the sphinx.ext.napoleon extension to generate documentation for this module.

Code usage:

>>> sphinx(2, farewell='goodbye!')

Command line usage:

$ python styles.py sphinx 2 --farewell goodbye!
examples.styles.sphinx(integer, *, farewell=None)

Example function with a Sphinx-style docstring.

Squares a given integer.

$ python styles.py sphinx 2 --farewell goodbye!

integer (int) – Number to square

Keyword Arguments:

farewell (str) – Parting message

examples.styles.google(integer, *, farewell=None)

Example function with a Google-style docstring.

Squares a given integer.

$ python styles.py google 2 --farewell goodbye!

integer (int) – Number to square

Keyword Arguments:

farewell (str) – Parting message

examples.styles.numpy(integer, *, farewell=None)

Example function with a Numpy-style docstring.

Squares a given integer.

$ python styles.py numpy 2 --farewell goodbye!

integer (int) – Number to square

Keyword Arguments:

farewell (str) – Parting message

Nested subcommands

Example showing nested parsers in defopt.

Code usage:

>>> main(1.5)
>>> sub1(2.0)
>>> sub2(2.5)

Command line usage:

$ python nested.py main 1.5
$ python nested.py sub sub1 2.0
$ python nested.py sub sub2 2.5

Example main function.


number (float) – Number to print


Example sub command.


number (float) – Number to print


Example sub command.


number (float) – Number to print